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Top 15 SEO Terms You Must Know!

Do you want your company website to be on the first page of Google search results? You are not alone. Don’t ignore SEO for top rankings. We offer the best SEO services in Sangrur. If you’re unsure about SEO basics, don’t give up. This glossary includes the top 15 SEO terms that one should know.

Understanding SEO for beginners requires grasping key terms, crucial for devising a strategy. Here are essential SEO terms to kickstart your journey.

  1. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  2. On-page SEO
  3. Off-page SEO
  4. Keywords
  5. Long-tail keywords
  6. Keyword density
  7. Keyword research
  8. SERP
  9. Page rank
  10. Meta descriptions
  11. Indexing
  12. Image Alt tag
  13. Pay per click
  14. Title tag
  15. Dwell time

SEO Terminologies That Are Commonly Used

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The term search engine optimization SEO stands for the ability of your website, web page, and blogs to rank in search engines. This is thus a key component of all your digital marketing efforts.

SEO refers to the act of making changes to or optimizing the content in your website such that it can be easily found by web users on Google when they search for something related to what you offer as a business. To enable this, one needs to use keywords and phrases that will attract both web users and search engines to their website.

  1. On-page SEO

On-page SEO is a type of search engine optimization that incorporates all activities conducted on a website itself. It covers activities such as content optimization by targeted keywords, HTML code optimization, image alt tags adjustment, as well as changes in your website navigation, among others.

  1. Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO techniques are actions taken away from the website itself. These include building links and marketing via social media, among other things like email marketing, influencer marketing, and content marketing, to name a few examples—all done in order for people to recognize your brand, hence leading them to your website.

  1. Keywords

You will often find this term used in discussions about search engine optimization. Users type specific words into search engines to find what they need.

Every aspect of on-page SEO uses keywords, as they help users locate your website more easily. If you own a construction company, consider using keywords like “home renovation” or “kitchen remodel” on your site. When people search these terms on Google, your company is likely to appear due to its relevant online content.

  1. Long-tail Keywords

These are longer keywords, which usually include three or more words together. Sometimes they can be questions like “Where can I find a contractor near me”, or they may have geographic components such as “home renovation in Charlotte, NC”. The reason for using them on your website is because there is less competition for longer keywords than for short keyword phrases, thus enabling someone to rank higher up on search engines.

For instance, many (if not all) housebuilding companies use the word ‘contractor’, but not every rival uses the term quote ‘bathroom renovation contractor’. In this case, chances are the quote ‘bathroom renovation contractor’ will probably get you a higher place than the quote piece of clay

6. Keyword Density

Some time ago, companies designing websites used to stuff their pages with hundreds of keywords meant to attract Google’s attention. However, Google caught up with them and now they want sites ranked based on their utility to a user, meaning what makes it better than just piling up a bunch of keywords without any sense?

A unique mixture of significant keywords and useful information makes up keyword density. Generally speaking, you don’t want it to look like a bulk of keywords because it will be hard to read and understand. There is no specific percentage that can be labeled as ideal. The main point is always writing with your audience in mind. This means there should not be too much jargon written down in one place. Furthermore, Google doesn’t rank highly because of how many times a word appears on a webpage. Quite the opposite; when you use one term repeatedly over and over again, it loses its worthiness and significance.

In this context, perfect density should be between 3% and 8%. Always remember that such instructions are just guidelines. People often cite normal terms or expressions regarding common usages as if they were proper nouns, for instance, when used in ordinary speech: three little letter combinations that do not carry any meanings at first sights, like ‘and’, “is’ or ‘you’ etc.

  1. Keyword Research

The goal of keyword research is to find the best, most relevant keywords with a high monthly search volume and low competition score. There are numerous keyword research tools available that can help you, including UberSuggest, Moz, and Keywords Everywhere. The goal of these tools is to help you learn what people are searching for to find the solutions they need.

If you are successful in your keyword research, you’ll end up with a solid list of keywords to incorporate into your website content and hopefully start ranking on page one of search engine results.

  1. SERP

A search engine results page, or SERP, is a page of results that is populated after a web user searches for something on Google. That first page is prime. In fact, according to a recent article, 75% of people don’t scroll past the first page of search results. Search engine optimization is your chance for your business to get on this page.

  1. Page Rank

Page rank is where your website lands on a search engine results page for relevant search terms. The higher up on the page your website is, the more likely someone will click on it and visit your site.

Page rank is all about whether Google sees your web page content as the best answer to a user’s question or search query.

  1. Meta Descriptions

This is the summary that explains what a specific webpage (including blogs) is about. It is a brief description with 155 characters or less, which appears on the search engine results page below the title of a webpage. When creating a solid meta description, remember that this is your one chance to convince people to click on your page link. Therefore, your writing should be so compelling and accurately describe what people will see when they visit the site. You also have an opportunity in your meta description to incorporate the focus keyword for that particular webpage.

  1. Indexing

Indexing entails putting your website pages into search engines such as Google. This happens after Google has crawled through your site, which means it has gone through your links and contents and then come up with an index.

Weirdly enough, at times you might want to “no-index” one of your web pages so that it wouldn’t show up in any kind of search results from Google. A thank-you page that comes after someone downloads something from you would be among them. After all, no one wants them to find this page before going anywhere else first.

In HubSpot, putting a page on no index is as easy as adding some code under Advanced Options. Do not worry if you do not know much about HTML coding; HubSpot makes it easier for anyone who wants to use it.

  1. Image Alt-Tags

Putting images on your website pages is a best practice for making your site attractive and appealing. However, Google crawlers have no vision for the pictures you’ve put there. This is where image alt-tags come into play. When you add an image alt-tag, you describe the image and include a focus keyword for SEO benefits. It’s more appropriate than “IMG_001” in terms of Google.

For instance, let us return again to our previous kitchen design trends blog and suppose we chose to use this particular photo below. The image alt-tag could be “family in beautiful kitchen | kitchen design trends”. It has both a description of the photo content and a blog keyword.

13 Pay Per Click (PPC)

The procedure through which paid search marketing enables your website to show up in the SERP for a particular amount of money is known as pay-per-click or PPC. Although your ads may not appear like ads, they are nonetheless tagged as advertisements. For example, Google Ads allows you to create PPC ads that look similar to ordinary organic search results. You have complete control over what message you want to get across and which keywords you want these messages directed to.

  1. Title Tags

Title tags represent what content constitutes the title of a webpage.

Thus, the search engine will show it off as the clickable headline of your listing on search engine result pages.

  1. Dwell Time

The duration of a visitor’s visit to your page before clicking away is what the term dwell time means.

In search engine optimization, people highly regard dwell time as an important metric because it indicates whether your webpage and content are interesting enough, relevant, and easy to read and use.

Low dwell time implies that a visitor landed on your page and clicked away quickly. It could signify that your keyword selections may have been misleading and unintentionally displayed pages like yours for other products or services that the visitor wanted.

Understanding SEO phrases is crucial for website improvement. To boost your Sangrur business, consider hiring the top SEO Company in Sangrur for higher search engine rankings.

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